Skin Care – What do Women with Great Skin Do?

skin care


Here are some tips that may help you improve your skin care and appearance.

  • Drink the Right Beverages.

Drink a shot of chlorophyll every morning to brighten, oxygenate, and hydrate your skin.

  • Maintain a Healthy Diet

Omega-3 fatty acid is essential to retain moisture. Flax seeds on your salad can be an instant boost to your omega-3. This will help increase your skin’s ability to hold onto moisture.

  • Use the Correct Cleanser for your Skin Type

For oil skin, a salicylic gel or benzoyl peroxide wash works well. For dry mature skin, use either a moisturizing glycolic or milky cleanser. For skin with brown spots or melasma, use a brightening wash, such as an alpha hydroxy acid cleanser.

  • Keep Your Hands Away From Your Face

Your hands can spread bacteria causing your skin to break out. This can lead to scarring and increase wrinkles.

  • Moisturize Every Day

You should moisturize daily experts say the best time is when you get out of the shower right before going to bed.

  • Wear Sunscreen Year Round

The sun’s UV rays are there every day. This daily UV exposure contributes to visible signs of aging.

  • Avoid Direct Heat Exposure

In the winter getting too close to fireplaces or heaters can cause a negative effect on your skin. It causes inflammation and collagen breakdown. Enjoy the warm fire but take a few steps back when doing so.

  • Be Sure and Exfoliates a Couple of Times a Week

We lose 50 million skin cells a day, and without exfoliating they can hang around leaving your skin with a gloomy appearance. Be sure and use as product that is PH neutral.

  • Stay Hydrated

Water is very important to your skin care. A lack of water means less radiance and more sag. Be sure and drink your 8 glasses of water each day.


We at On Call Skin Care hope you enjoyed these tips. We have many skin care services at our clinic from Botox, to Juvederm, to Laser Hair Removal, to Ultherapy. Please visit our website at  to learn more about our services.


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