Hurricane Season Isn’t Over Yet

hurricane season


Hurricane Season is not over? In fact, August through October lately have been the worst months for hurricanes. This means that now is a good time to start preparing for this last stretch of months with potential hazardous storm systems coming your way. What precautions should you take for Hurricane Season?

Stock up on emergency supplies for Hurricane Season

Do not wait for the hurricane warning to be blaring across your television before you rush to the store for emergency supplies. Often useful items like generators, bottled water, and batteries fly off the shelf before a big storm. Beat the rush and have these products at home already so you can focus on fortifying your house instead of running to the crowded store. Good things to have on hand are flash lights, batteries, camp lights, water, and nonperishable food. A first aid kit is a must. A battery-powered radio would be another smart purchase since when power is lost, emergency information is broadcasted over the radio.

Fill up the pantry with non-perishables for Hurricane Season

It is important to make sure you can still eat without needing to use an oven. A portable butane burner or a grill could be used to boil water. Dried fruit and vegetables are also good buys to make sure you are having an appropriate nutrition intake. Canned food is also a cost-effective way to stay full when you can’t cook. Emergency food has made great advances in the recent years. Check out these freeze-dried entrees: just add hot water, and in just a few minutes they become tasty home cooked meals. Most of these freeze-dried foods can last up to 25 years!

Prepare your house for Hurricane Season

Head to the store and grab enough plywood and nails for all your windows if your home doesn’t have storm shutters. When the strong hurricane winds come, they will help protect your home from some costly damage. Also, fill your bathtubs with water in the event of water being cut off.

Know the Hurricane Season plan. 

Become familiar with all evacuation routes if you are seaside. Also, evaluate your flood risk using this FEMA portal. If your area is calling for an evacuation, be smart. Do not risk staying in town hoping to ride out a storm if the local authorities are announcing a state of emergency. It is better to go through the inconvenience in traffic than to be trapped at home amid flood waters.

If you have any minor illnesses or accidents that you need immediate care for whether before or after the storm, please remember we at On Call Medical Clinic are here 7 days a week to help. Please call us at 228 818-5115, one of our medical experts is ready to take your call.  Also we offer some excellent skin care services. You may visit our website at to review all the services we offer. covered today.


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