Coronavirus Be Safe Protect Yourself


Coronavirus- (COVID-19) To All Our Patients and Neighbors

We at On Call Medical Clinic would like to reach out to all our patients and neighbors concerning the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak. By now we all are well aware of the seriousness of this disease. We as a medical facility have always taken the needed precautions to protect our patients and staff. We have taken all necessary precautions as it pertains to this virus to again ensure the safety of our patients and staff. Please follow the guidelines outlined by the Mississippi Dept. of Health and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention when you feel that you may have symptoms. If you need our help, please do not hesitate to call.  We pray for our entire community that we all fair well through this virus and that we all will soon return to our normal daily activities.

We are here if you need our help. Please call us at 251 818-5155 if we can help. Also visit our website at to learn more about us and all the services we offer. Our friendly and courteous staff is always here ready to help. Our on-premise laboratory can help us diagnosis many minor illnesses. We are here to help with any minor illnesses or accidents.

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