Tips for avoiding toddler tantrums


tips for toddler tantrums

Tantrums are a fact of life for toddlers, but with a few preventative measures the frequency and intensity can be greatly reduced.

  • Follow a schedule – Routine gives toddlers a sense of security and control.  Keeping regular mealtimes, naptimes, and bedtimes can go a long way towards preventing a meltdown.  If you notice your child gets cranky at certain times each day, you can determine what may be their trigger.  Maybe they just need a little extra downtime or a snack around those times.


  • Quality time – Try to spend at least an hour each day reading books, playing with building blocks or exploring nature outside together. The more quality time you spend, the less likely they’ll try to get your attention in negative ways like screaming when you’re on the phone or rolling around on the floor at a store.


  • Don’t say “NO” – If you find yourself constantly saying “no” to your child, you may find that word becoming the primary word in your toddler’s vocabulary as well. Toddler proof your home so there are less reasons to correct them and when you’re outside the home set clear expectations from the start.  If you see your child going for your coffee table book with a magic marker, suggest finding a coloring book instead.  If throwing in the house is an issue, give them a ball and take it outside.  Instead of saying no try, “we don’t throw in the house.”  Limit the use of “no” to dangerous or more serious situations and they will be more likely to stop in their tracks.



  • Give them a choice – “Would you like a banana or an apple?”  Giving your child simple decisions makes them feel important and powerful.  If the kids are rough-housing, instead of telling them to stop, you could ask whether they would like to take it outside or find something else to play with.  This strategy avoids a power struggle and you don’t have to nag.


  • Encourage independence – Take advantage of your little one’s love of helping out. At the grocery store, let them help you find what you’re looking for and place items in the basket.  Get them involved in the kitchen too. The Guidecraft Kitchen Helper from Mu Urban Child is a safe way to get kids to counter height so they can observe you in the kitchen or even stir the pancake batter.  When toddlers are involved in what you’re doing, tantrums are much less likely to occur.


  • Plan ahead – Talk to your kids about where you’re going and what to expect.  This will help them to feel more comfortable and less out of control.  Try to plan outings with naps and meal times in mind.  Your experience will be much more pleasant if your child is well fed and rested. Also, don’t forget to pack wisely.  Snacks, simple toys and even an i-pad could be great diversions.  Some toddlers get very upset about spills on their clothes.  It’s always a good idea to have an extra shirt stashed in your bag too.


Your friends at Oncall Medical Clinic hope these tips help our Moms lessen their children’s tantrums and create a more enjoyable relationship with their kids.  Please remember when you have a sick child that needs immediate care we at Oncall Medical Clinic of Ocean Springs are here to help please call us at 228 818-5515 . Also you can visit our website at for all the srvices we offer.


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