Potty Training Made Easy

mom's guide for potty training


The age when children successfully transition out of diapers may be anywhere from 18 months to 4 years old. If your child can pull their own pants down, stay dry through the night and let you know when they need a diaper change, they may be ready.  However, while your child may be physically ready, they may not be quite there mentally and emotionally.   If they can’t sit still longer than a couple of minutes or recognize the physical signs of an imminent bowel movement, they’re not ready yet. The key to stress free potty training is getting the timing right. Teaching children to use the toilet shouldn’t be forced. Support them when they are ready and help them maintain a positive attitude.  Here a few tips to guide your transition.

Gather your supplies-  Head to the store with your little one and let them pick out their first pairs of underwear.  This should get them excited about making a decision on their own and using the potty.   Pick up a few pair of elastic waist pants as well.  You don’t want buttons and zippers slowing you down when your little one has to go.

Most kids prefer to start with their own training potty and you won’t have to worry about them falling off or in the big toilet.  Myurbanchild.com has adorable hand-painted “thrones” for your little prince or princess.   When you’re in public, a foldable potty topper comes in handy.  Remember to pack an extra change of clothes, just in case. 

Get on a schedule-  Start by letting your child sit on the toilete a few times a day without any expectations. This is a good time to read them a book about going to the potty.  After a few days, start taking them to the potty as soon as they get up in the morning.   Eating stimulates the digestive system so ask if they think they need to go again after breakfast.  Try again mid-morning, after nap, mid-afternoon and again before bath time and bed.

Celebrate- Do the potty dance!  When they’re finally able to make it happen it is a cause for celebration.  They should be very proud of themselves and you will be too.  Another popular reward is a sticker chart.  Let them pick out one sticker for number one and two for number two. Even when they start to get the hang of it, accidents will inevitably happen.  Instead of shaming or punishing them, just be non-chalant and tell them they can try again next time.  There is no need to add additional stress.

Encourage proper hygiene- Teach both boys and girls to wipe front to back.  You may want to start with flushable wipes to make cleaning easier.  Let them watch you empty the contents of their potty chair into the toilet and let them flush it down.  It’s also a good idea to buy some fun hand soap to make washing up less of a chore.

Your friends at Oncall Medical Clinic of Ocean Springs hope these tips helps our Moms make potty training easier. Please remember we are here to help when you need us. We are a full service urgent care facility that call help with many minor illnesses or injuries much quicker than the emergency room. Please call us at 228 818-5515 if we can help. You also can visit our website at www.oncallclinic.com for all the services we offer. 

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