Laboratory Tests at Urgent Care Clinic

laboratory testsAre you currently in need of lab testing? If you answer yes then you know that you need to get laboratory tests at urgent care clinic. The one that is nearest you is the most convenient because at least, you know that you will get fast and immediate results. We can assure you that we have different types of laboratory tests available at On Call Clinic of Ocean Springs.

Our Other Services

Of course aside from our laboratory tests, we also offer other types of services. For example, we make sure that we will be available for you if you have an injury or illness that needs immediate care provided that the injury or illness is not grave. If we believe that we do not have the proper items to help you with your condition, we will help you get to the nearest hospital.

No Need to Go Out

There are certain conditions that may require further testing before they can be confirmed and with us, we will not require you to leave our facilities anymore just to get your laboratory tests. We have our own laboratory wherein you can undergo proper testing. At times, we may require to contact your through phone or request that you go for an appointment in order to get the results but we will do our best to give fast results at the soonest possible time.

We are the urgent care clinic that you would like to visit if you want to be given the proper care and treatment that you deserve by our team of medical professionals. Aside from their expertise and skill, they can also impart care which is what you need when you are not feeling well. No need to schedule appointments with us as we are always available when you need us.

Urgent Care Clinic – What to Look For

urgent-care-clinic-lookAre you searching for an urgent care clinic that will give you the relief that you need when you need it? You do not have to search any further because with On Call Medical Clinic of Ocean Springs, you can expect that you will get the best urgent care possible. We make sure to provide a wide range of assistance and services to non-life threatening situations. It does not matter what time you will go to our clinic, our doors are always open for you.

What We Can Provide

We know that being sick does not necessarily happen when it is convenient. In fact, being sick automatically becomes an inconvenience. We understand how stressful it can be even if your condition is non-life threatening. We provide various medical tests, physical exams and treatments of different injuries and fractures. We also offer ongoing services for pain management so that you can begin to feel better. As an urgent care clinic, we make sure that you will be given the best services possible.

Our Staff Members

We have different medical staff available in our urgent care clinic. Whether you need doctors, nurses or other medical professionals, you can expect to find them all. We make sure that we provide highly personalized care. We will not let you wait because we know that you may need immediate relief from the condition you are facing. We are proud to say that we have all the needed abilities to provide urgent care for all members of the family. Why search for another urgent care clinic that will require you to wait for a long time when you can get our services instead?

No need to contact us before you arrive at our clinic but you can also call us if you need us to pick you up or if you would rather have one of our medical staff visit you at home.

Immunizations Vaccinations

Immunizations vaccinations

Immunization Vaccination

We at On Call Medical Clinic know that Immunizations Vaccinations have had an enormous impact on improving the health of children in the United States. Most parents today have never seen first-hand the devastating consequences that vaccine-preventable diseases have on a child, a family, or community. While these diseases are not common in the U.S., they persist around the world. It is important that we continue to protect our children with vaccines because outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases like pertussis, mumps, and measles can and do occur in this country.

Immunizations Vaccinations are some of the best ways parents can protect infants, children, and teens from 16 potentially harmful diseases. Vaccine-preventable diseases can be very serious, may require hospitalization, or even be deadly — especially in infants and young children.

It is recommended that your children have immunizations vaccinations at the following times in their lives.

  • Birth
  • 1 to 2 months
  • 4 months
  • 7 to 11 months
  • 12 to 23 months
  • 2 to 3 years
  • 4 to 6 years
  • 7 to 10 years
  • 11 to 12 years
  • 13 to 18 years

You can consult your primarily care doctor as to what immunization vaccination is needed at those times for your children or you can contact us at 228 818-5155 at any time and we would be glad to help. We at On Call Medical Clinic can complete  the vaccinations for you 7 days a week. Besides Urgent Care Services, we also can complete work and school related physicals. We also offer many skin care services as well. Please visit our website at to see all the services we offer, and remember if you have a minor injurty or illness and you doctor’s office is closed, we are here 7 days a week to help get you back up and going.

Laboratory Tests from Urgent Care Clinic

urgent care Biloxi MSAs an urgent care clinic, we would like to make sure that you will get the best services possible for your non-life threatening situation. We can provide laboratory tests if in case you need it in order to find results for your underlying medical condition. At the same time, we provide other types of services that you can get whenever you need to. You are not required to go to the hospital anymore and wait as other emergencies will be prioritized first. With us at On Call Medical Clinic of Ocean Springs, you can be assured that you will get the services that you rightfully deserve.

What We Do

Aside from our laboratory tests, we make sure that we will make the lives of all of our patients easier. We offer cost effective treatments especially when compared to the price of the services available at hospitals. We also make sure that our medical staff is available even during off peak hours because we know that you do not choose when you get sick. Instead of paying the high fees for laboratory tests at hospitals, we can offer the same service for lesser fees.

Our Goals

We make sure that we provide the urgent care needed by patients no matter what time of the day. We personalize our services to our different patients consistently. Our team of friendly, compassionate and professional staff will make sure that you will get the right services that your health needs and laboratory tests results. We know how much you need to be treated with kindness and compassion especially when you are not feeling well.
We encourage you to get to know more about us by contacting us. You can ask us regarding our laboratory tests as well as other services that we offer. As long as you have a non – life threatening condition, you can rely on us.

Walk In Clinic – Making The Best Choice

walk in clinicThere are time when sudden illness or injury may happen. This may happen at times when you least expect it to. At the same time, this may also occur when your doctor is not available. What are you supposed to do? The best option depending on how serious your condition is to go to a walk in clinic. With us at On Call Medical Clinic of Ocean Springs, you can be assured that you will be cared for in a convenient facility. The best thing about our walk in clinic is that the services are affordable. No need to worry about how much you are going to pay.

Our Services

It is true that our professional staff members will be available to help you depending on the services that you need provided that we can still handle your condition. We have a list of services available that you can refer to or you may describe what you are feeling. Our medical staff will know what to do. If your current condition requires you to get emergency care, we can provide our services to bring you to the emergency room immediately.

We can also pick you up at home or send one of our professional medical doctors to visit you at home if in case you are too tired or too weak to go to our walk in clinic. If in case you prefer going to the clinic, you do not need to schedule an appointment with us anymore.

Our Clinic

Aside from our state of the art facilities, we can assure you that we are open 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. No matter what time you need us, we will be at the walk in clinic in order to provide the urgent care that you currently seek.

Reliable Urgent Care Biloxi, MS Now

urgent care Biloxi, MSWe at On Call Medical Clinic understand how hard it is to become sick. You do not plan to be sick. There are times when you just get into minor accidents that will require immediate but not emergency care. Our main goal is to provide reliable urgent care Biloxi, MS so that you will get the relief that you are searching for.

Another one of our goals is to make sure that we will provide not only reliable services but services that are full of care and compassion. Our services include those that are related to basic physicals, treatment of certain types of illnesses and even check – ups. We make sure that we will take care of you.

Our Competent Staff Members

Aside from our urgent care Biloxi, MS services, you can rely on our professional and compassionate staff. We would like to make your experience as positive as possible so you would not feel disregarded. The best thing about the urgent care Biloxi, MS services that we are offering is you need not worry about the high costs. We can assure you that our costs are much lower than the costs that will be charged when you go to the emergency room.

We Will Welcome You 24/7

What we can assure you is that we will never close our doors on you. If you need us, we will be there for you. We will make sure that we will provide the quality urgent care Biloxi, MS that you require from us. You can contact us if you want our medical staff to go to your house or if you want to be picked up to be brought to the clinic. If we believe that your case can be warranted an emergency, we can take you to the nearest hospital so that you will get the emergency care that you deserve.

Urgent Care Biloxi, MS – Providing Immediate and Compassionate Care

urgent care Biloxi, MSWhen it comes to the clinic that will offer urgent care Biloxi, MS, what do you look for in particular? Do you search for immediate care that will be able to provide timely care? Who would not want that? We understand your needs and concerns. We know that you do not ever want to get sick so we want to make sure that we will be there for you during the time that you need us the most. You do not need an appointment in order to get the urgent care Biloxi, MS from us either. You can just walk in and this will not be an issue anymore.

There may be a time when you will suddenly get ill. There is also a big chance that you will get an injury when you least expect it. Do you need to go to the doctor immediately? When you go to a hospital, there is a big possibility that there are other cases that are more serious than yours and they will be given more attention than you. This means that you will not get urgent care Biloxi, MS immediately. Do remember that we offer our services to non life threatening conditions and injuries. If you want urgent care Biloxi, MS, you should not look any further, you can simply go to us at OnCall Medical Clinic.

Aside from our good location, you can be sure that you will receive fast urgent care Biloxi, MS services. All of our staff members are qualified and will have proper knowledge about what to do depending on your condition.

There may be other clinics that can offer urgent care Biloxi, MS but it is with us wherein you will feel the compassionate care that you require for your current condition. Why do you need to wait a long time at the hospital when we can give you the right care you are searching for at present time?

The Flu for this season of2016-2017


The Flu 2016-2017

We at On Call Medical Clinic want to share some information with you in an effort to hopefully help you be aware of the flu situation this year and what precautions you need to take.

Below are some common questions and answers.

What’s new this season?

A few things are new this season:

  • Only injectable  shots are recommended this season.
  • Vaccines have been updated to better match circulating viruses.
  • There will be some new vaccines on the market this season.
  • The recommendations for vaccination of people with egg allergies have changed.

What flu vaccines are recommended this season?

This season, only injectable vaccines (flu shots) should be used. Some flu shots protect against three  viruses and some protect against four  viruses.

Options this season include:

  • Standard dose flu shots. Most are given into the muscle (usually with a needle, but one can be given to some people with a jet injector). One is given into the skin.
  • high-dose shotfor older people.
  • shot made with adjuvantfor older people.
  • shot made with virus grown in cell culture.
  • A shot made using a vaccine production technology (recombinant vaccine) that does not require the use of flu virus.

Live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) – or the nasal spray vaccine – is not recommended for use during the 2016-2017 season because of concerns about its effectiveness.

What viruses do 2016-2017 flu vaccines protect against?

There are many viruses and they are constantly changing. The composition of U.S. vaccines is reviewed annually and updated to match circulating flu viruses. Vaccines protect against the three or four viruses that research suggests will be most common. For 2016-2017, three-component vaccines are recommended to contain:

  • A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus,
  • A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 (H3N2)-like virus and a
  • B/Brisbane/60/2008-like virus (B/Victoria lineage).

Four component vaccines are recommended to include the same three viruses above, plus an additional B virus called B/Phuket/3073/2013-like virus (B/Yamagata lineage).

When and how often should I get vaccinated?

Everyone 6 months and older should get a vaccine every year by the end of October, if possible. However, getting vaccinated later is OK. Vaccination should continue throughout the flu season, even in January or later. Some children who have received flu vaccine previously and children who have only received one dose in their lifetime, may need two doses of flu vaccine. A health care provider can advise on how many doses a child should get.

This information was provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

We at On Call Medical Clinic hope that this information was valuable to you. Please remember when taken down by the flu and your doctor’s office is not open, that we have doctors and nurses waiting to help 7 days a week. We also have the laboratory and other equipment available to quickly diagnosis your illness and provide a sound recommendation to get you well soon. Please call us at 228 818-5155 if we can help.




Urgent Care Biloxi, MS – Available Whenever You Need It

urgent care Biloxi, MSWe know that there are times when you would need quick and convenient outpatient care. Outpatient care does not necessarily mean that the situation is not serious. Rather, it means that you need to be given proper services within 24 hours. We at OnCall Medical Clinic will make sure that we are there for you whenever you need us.

Our immediate assistance will help provide the relief that you need for your urgent care Biloxi, MS. Why do you need to wait for a long time when we can be there for you? You have a choice to go to our clinic for your urgent care Biloxi, MS services or you may request that we offer our transportation in order to get you.

We are always open whenever you need us. We are open 7 days a week. Even if you would require urgent care in the wee hours of the morning, we will be there for you. If in case your case is far more serious than what you have initially thought, you would be assisted in order to go to the nearest hospital to address your emergency needs. If the urgent care Biloxi, MS services that you need can be offered by us, we can assure you that we have all the equipment that you can possibly need. We follow a certain system that is already tried and tested to cater to the urgent care Biloxi, MS you need.

Our medical clinic is operated only by practitioners who are qualified for the job. We make sure that they are adept in providing the urgent care Biloxi, MS services that you need depending on your current situation. With us, you can be assured that you will be getting the best level of urgent care Biloxi, MS that you will not get anywhere else.

Urgent Care Biloxi, MS – Here to Make You Feel Better

urgent care Biloxi, MSWe know that you do not plan when you are going to get sick. You do not arrange when you are going to get urgent care Biloxi, MS. In fact, if you have a choice, would you actually want to get sick? No one would wish to be sick even for just minor diseases. If in case you get ill in very inconvenient times, no need to worry because we can provide urgent care Biloxi, MS services that you need.

We, at Oncall Medical Clinic are dedicated in giving 24 hour service or urgent care Biloxi, MS that can give you care that you need when you have conditions or diseases that are serious but are not gravely serious. You can expect that you will get fast and personalized attention from our doctors and medical staff. We are proud to say that we have highly trained staff that can provide the various services that you need.

You are not required to make any appointment with us. Rather, you can just call us for your urgent needs. We may either send an ambulance for your urgent care Biloxi, MS or you may choose to visit our clinic that is open no matter what time you decide to go. We can also let our doctors go to you if in case it would be more convenient for you to receive the urgent care Biloxi, MS that you need at the comforts of your own home.

We know that you only want to get better and we can assure you that we will never close our doors on you at the time that you need us the most. Rest assured that if your current condition needs hospitalization, you will be referred to go to the hospital immediately so that you can get immediate medical attention but as long as your condition fits the services that we can offer, the urgent care Biloxi, MS will not be far from your reach.

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