Bread – Is It Good For Us?



We all seem to eat too much bread, so the question is “Is this good for us or should we try and cut down on Bread.”

Here is some information about bread and some suggestions when eating bread.

  • Raises Your Cholesterol

Eating too much Bread can raise your cholesterol If you eat toast in the morning, a sandwich at lunch, and a roll with dinner, you’re not just loading up on carbohydrates. You’re also eating a lot of salt. Most Americans get too much salt. When it comes to food sources, bread and rolls are the No. 1 source, beating out chips and other junk food. A single slice of bread isn’t high in salt. A slice of wheat bread has about 147mg sodium. Eating bread several times a day adds up. Too much salt can raise blood pressure. It can put you at risk of heart attack or stroke.

  • Eating Whole Grain

Fiber in whole grains may help reduce cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease. Nutrients in whole grains help your body form red blood cells and keep your immune system healthy.

  • Whole Grain Pumpernickel

Your blood sugar levels go up after you eat foods that have carbohydrates. That includes bread. If you’re worried about your blood sugar, whole-grain pumpernickel is your best bet. It keeps you full longer than other breads. And it causes the lowest and gentlest change in blood sugar. That’s important for people with diabetes. In general, look for coarser, denser breads with a lot of grainy bits to avoid a spike in your blood sugar.

  • Gluten Free Breads

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. People who cannot tolerate gluten should avoid breads and other foods made with those grains. Many gluten-free breads and mixes are made with white or brown rice flours and starches such as arrowroot, potato, and tapioca. Avoiding wheat can be hard. It’s in most prepared foods and in some vitamins and lip balms.

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